DevConnections - Meet us there

Event Name: DevConnections
Event Date: 9/18/2014
Event Type: Conference
Event Location: Las Vegas, USA

Event Details:

In the conference Gil Fink will have one workshop and one session:

Building Scalable JavaScript Apps

Building and maintaining large and scalable JavaScript web apps isn’t easy. So how do you build such things without being driven to madness? Using and combining proven JavaScript patterns will do the trick. In this one-day workshop, we’ll discuss the patterns behind some of the largest JavaScript apps, such as Gmail and Twitter, and we’ll explore how to apply them in your own apps. We’ll start from object patterns and then focus on module patterns, promises, timers, and more.

Quick Tour to Front-End Unit Testing Using Jasmine

Unit testing is an inseparable part of the development process, no matter which methodology you follow. But how will you test your JavaScript code? The answer is using a JavaScript unit testing framework. Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. In this session you’ll get to know Jasmine and you’ll learn the building blocks of using the framework to write your unit tests.